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What's Coming Up on the Blog?

Now that all the pre-publication furor is over, I can finally turn back to putting some thoughts into my blog.

It was difficult to write detailed research articles while in the midst of the run-up to book launch, so please forgive me for the haphazard nature of the posts over the last few months. Although, if you missed it, I would encourage you to have a read of my recent post on Plague in 7th Century England. I managed to get that one together in the midst of all the busyness!

But now I have some time to breathe, and  I’m happily taking some time to plan out the next few month’s posts on the blog.

One thing I was very much looking forward to was a trip to England in the fall. We had our tickets booked and had planned, of course, to visit Lindisfarne, Bamburgh, and many of the other places featured in my novels. I had planned to write at least a couple of blog posts about all that. Alas and alack, COVID-19 disrupted our plans, as I know it has done for many of you. It’s all been so very difficult, hasn’t it?

Ho hum. I’ll have to wait on those posts, I guess. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to write about! Here are some things that I’ll be delving into in the next few months.

Author JL Rowan has asked me back to her blog, to write an article for her there. I’m working on that now, and hopefully it will be up by the end of summer. I’ll send out the link once it’s ready!

I have another author interview planned! John Connell, who has just published a beautiful new book about St. Aidan, The Man Who Gave His Horse to a Beggar, has graciously agreed to chat with me here about it. Aidan is one of the characters in my books, so I’m excited to get this chance to speak to him about Aidan and his world. I’m still reading the book, so once I’m done I’ll get the interview organized.

The paperback of Bound will be coming later this summer, or into the fall. Once that is ready I’ll be doing another launch week promotion and blogging about it here. So if you missed the special sale on Wilding and the free bonus collection, you’ll have another chance to take advantage of both those deals!

I’d like to add another post to my Letters from the Dark Ages series, and also another one to the Anglo-Saxon Literature series.

So, as you can see, I’ve got plenty of ideas to keep me busy over the next few months. Not to mention the continuing work on Book Three!

I hope to get back to my more regular posting schedule of every second Friday. That volume of posts seems to be working okay for me, so I’ll try to stick with it. Of course, I may have some special announcements here and there, so you might see a few extras popping up.

I hope that despite the difficulties many are facing, that you are able to enjoy this summer. Thanks, as always, for sharing some of your time with me. I truly appreciate it!