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Important Info for Blog Followers!


Just wanted to give you all a quick heads up regarding my new website.

My launch date is coming March 1st, 2020.  I’m really excited to show off my new online home. I hope you all will like it! It’s going to be a better fit for showcasing my novels, and will make it easier for readers to purchase them. What is also great is that my domain name is the same. I’ll still be found at

But I haven’t forgotten you, dear blog readers! All of my posts have  been transferred over to the new site, and new ones will be posted there after the launch date. However, the only snag in this arrangement is that the followers of my present blog will not transfer over to the new site. Which means that when I post new content, you will not get notified as before, and my posts won’t show up in your WordPress Reader.

I really hate to have that happen. And there is a way to avoid it, with just one little action on your part. When the blog launches on March 1st, go on over and “follow” me once again. I have installed a plugin to allow for followers, so if you do that, all will continue as before.

Make sure you follow me on social media, too. Give me a like on twitter @las_writer and on FB at L.A. Smith. I’ll be reminding blog readers there to make sure to refollow me on the new site as well.

Better yet, sign up for my newsletter, if you haven’t already done so! You’ll get great new content and will have the opportunity to be a part of book launch teams or special contests. If you sign up, you’ll get an bonus chapter from Wilding as a thank you! Being on my newsletter list will mean you won’t miss a thing as the launch for Bound: Book Two of the Traveller’s Path, rolls out.

You can sign up here. I hope you join me!

I’m really happy with my new online home. It will give me a chance to feature my book/s while still retaining this blog. I hope all of you faithful blog followers like it, too.

I’ll see you there on March 1st!!