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A Difficult Generosity: A reblog

I’ve been away, watching the wild waves pound the shore and spending lovely alone time with my hubby as we explored magnificent Vancouver Island. I’m back now, but sadly behind on my posting schedule for this blog. And obviously I hadn’t organized myself enough to have two posts written to cover the Fridays I was gone a-holidaying. Hmm. Maybe that organized person will be me, someday.  In the meantime, I thought I would share with you a post I read recently, by the talented Sarah Clarkson. It encapsulates so well my own thoughts about writing that I thought I would let her speak for me today, as she says it so much better than I could.  Enjoy…and I’ll be back with my own gift of words on Friday as I bring you my thoughts on The Screwtape Letters, one of my Year of Reading Lewis posts.

Enjoy, and leave a comment if you like!
